Waste Management and It's Policy
Waste management reduces the effect to toxic waste on the environment and human health. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration while discussing Waste Management such as disposal methods, recycling methods, avoidance and reduction method, transportation and disposal of waste. Industrial waste generated during transportation and storage of raw material and finished good, manufacturing of product and other activities inside or outside the plant. The types of industrial waste generated include cafeteria garbage, dirt and gravel, masonry and concrete, scrap metals, trash, oil, solvents, chemicals, weed grass and trees, wood and scrap lumber, and other similar wastes.
They are of two types waste generated in industries: Hazardous Waste and Non-Hazardous Waste, which are in the form of solid, liquid or gas which may create adverse effect on nature or on human life.
As per Section 12 of Factory Act 1948 and Rule 17 of the Jharkhand Factor Rule 1950, effective arrangements shall be made in every factory for the treatment of waste and effluents due to manufacturing process carried on there in so as to render them innocuous and for their disposal.
We offer complete solution on waste disposal policy, plan, methodology and help in getting approval from Government departments as per guideline of The Factory Act 1948 and Jharkhand Factory Rule1950 and other legal agencies.